Learn How To Surrender
(As the deepest act of Feminine Embodiment)
Your feminine loves to be held, to be supported and to drop into the arms of the masculine support in her life. She loves to surrender into that support in deep trust that she will be taken care of and all will be well. BUT most of us were not brought up to surrender. We have learned to doubt, to control, to react…
Your feminine loves to be supported.
Your feminine loves to be held. She loves to be supported and (despite contrary belief) to really drop into the supportive arms of the masculine presense in her life. Your feminine loves to SURRENDER into this support in deep TRUST that she will be held, she will be taken care of and all will be well in her world.
Now, the masculine in your life can take many forms. In fact, we all have masculine and feminine aspects within us. Generally though, when we think of the masculine, we think of a partner or a husband but in truth, I believe, the MOST powerful form of masculine support in our lives is that of the Universe. (Or however you like to refer to that higher power that breathes life into us all).
The most powerful form of masculine support is that of the Universe.
Surrendering into the support of this higher power requires the greatest amount of courage and trust. It requires the courage to let go of your need to control or to be right and to trust that as you surrender this control you will be held and be supported.
This act of surrendering is a feminine quality and I believe, it is the deepest act of feminine embodiment. As well as being a huge part of the archetypal journey from Maiden to Mother (Mature Feminine).
“Surrender” IS the deepest act of feminine embodiment.
In MAIDEN (often referred to as wounded maiden) we doubt, we fear, we react. We are bitchy, blamey, controlling.
In MOTHER (mature feminine), we trust, we allow, we surrender. We know that life has our back and we open to the possibilities of each moment.
When we SURRENDER magic happens.
When we surrender there is a magic that happens. A new understanding that arises. A feeling of being deeply held within and without.
This is how it feels to be in archetypal “Mother” and all you have to do is “Surrender”.
But this is a practice – Most of us were not brought up to “surrender” and trust.
Sounds easy I know – But this is a practice because most of us were NOT brought up to surrender. Most of us were NOT brought up to trust that everything is working out for our highest divine good. To allow rather than react. To let go of the reins and instead allow ourselves be guided.
Quite the contrary in fact… This is why this takes practice!
There are 3 steps to this practice of “Surrendering”.
But HOW DO WE DO THIS you may be asking…. How do we practice SURRENDER?
Learning HOW TO SURRENDER requires that we must cultivate consciousness in 3 particular ways:
1 – Firstly, consciousness for our personal patterns of how we try to control, change, push against, argue, force, bitch about, blame etc.. All our wounded maiden responses and reactions and those times they are activated.
2 – Secondly, we must be conscious enough to pause when those patterns are about to play out.
3 – Thirdly, we must be conscious enough to choose to, instead of reacting in our usual way, to “Surrender” to the divine plan and trust that everything is always working out for our highest good.
It sounds easy I know but it takes practice (and time) to rewire the patterns of a lifetime. But the effort is so worth it you start to dance with the deeper tapestry of life and see true magic at play. Also life feels happier, easier, more joyful when rather than fighting, we surrender.
This is a huge part of the the journey of feminine embodiment.
This is a huge part of the deeper work in the Maiden to Mother (Rites of Passage) journey and as I said, I believe it is the deepest act of feminine embodiment.
In wounded “Maiden” our view is narrowed, in archetypal “Mother” it expands.
When instead of trying to control the situation, you instead choose to SURRENDER you almost instantly feel yourself step into archetypal Mother. Your awareness expands and new insights drop in with ease. New understanding makes itself known and RELIEF washes over you as the aha’s start to happen and life shows you that what you tried to fight against, change or control was in fact, the better way all along.
This is the power of being in Mother (and in Queen)… That awareness and deeper understanding that comes as a result of this kind of trust and surrender.
by NiamhAsple
To explore more, contact me, let’s talk.
Joe Turan
- Life Coach
- Tantra & Kuscheltherapeut
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